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Group / Centre Activities

Group / Centre Activities

Pro Care Centre assists participants to take part in group-based activities. This includes social, community and recreational activities. We actively encourage participants to pursue their goals – whether it be to learn a new skill, make new friends or just enjoy being out and about in the community.

We understand it is important to create an inclusive environment and encouraging participants to live life to the full where they have a fun and enjoyable time.

We also provide support for participants to take part in various activities in the community. This includes providing transport to and from activities. The types of activities that we can assist with include:

  • Visiting a local library
  • Going to the movies
  • Joining a sporting club
  • Going to the football
  • Going on a day trip

All activities are directed by participants and only limited by a participant’s imagination. This means we are flexible when it comes to supporting participants in meeting their goals. Participants can enjoy activities independently or as part of a group.

Why Choose Pro Care Centre

What sets us apart from other providers?

At Pro Care Centre we understand that positive outcomes are far more important than just results. Positive outcomes for our participants are our end game, this is our passion. But what do we mean by ‘positive outcomes’?

Professional Staff

Person-Centred Approach

Safe & Secure


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